Wellness - Health in manhatan ks

Give your mind and body nutrients that keep you healthy and strong. Promote young and healthy-looking hair, skin, and nails. Fight sickness and allergies by strengthening your immune system

Explore What We Offer

The Executive ($110)

Increase Energy, Mood, and sense of Well-Being!

Great for people who work a lot, stressed out, fatigued, and travel. It’s going to replenish your electrolytes, hydrate you and give you your b-vitamins for energy.

*Full spectrum of B Vitamins & Calcium/Magnesium

The Glutathione ($120)

Slow down aging with this master antioxidant, and detoxify!

Glutathione is the most powerful antioxidant with anti-aging properties. Glutathione is used to cleanse and detoxify the body, specifically the liver. It can prevent damage to your skin and cells, having a direct impact on the way you look and feel.

*High-dosed 2000mg of Glutathione

The Radiant ($140)

Get your skin the moisture and glow, while detoxing your liver, increasing your immune system, AND decreasing inflammation.

*High-dosed Vitamin C (15g) & High-dosed 2000mg of Glutathione

The Fountain of Youth ($200)

Great for anti-aging, cellular repair, help rid the body of free radicals, detoxify the liver, improve mood, boost immune system, increase energy, and brighten your skin appearance (Phew that was a mouthful!). “The ALL in one” that will do it all!

*Full spectrum of B Vitamins & Calcium/Magnesium, High-dosed Vitamin C (15g) & High-dosed 2000mg of Glutathione

The Vitamin C ($125)

– Fight cold/flu and increase your energy levels *Inquire about our High-Dosed Vitamin C protocols

There are many conditions that may benefit from IVC therapy. Arthritis, Lyme disease, bacterial infections, Viral infections, pain, injury, and more. It can lessen pain after injuries, help the body heal faster, improves energy levels/fatigue, resiliency to infections like cold/flu and other viral/bacterial infections.

*High-dosed Vitamin C (15g)

The Natural Defense ($165)

– The “immune booster”, fights against aging, and early signs of sickness

This is great for people who are sick or getting sick with a cold/flu. It has a high dose of Vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties (it has been known to help with fibromyalgia pain and other inflammatory symptoms).

*Full spectrum of B Vitamins & Calcium/Magnesium, High-dosed Vitamin C (15g)

The Rise and Shine ($130)

– Exhausted from little-to-no-sleep? This will give you extra fluids with a kick of energy. THIS is your go-to for anyone that suffers from headaches or migraines.

Our “hangover” or Hydration drip- Comes with a liter and a half of fluid (so 500ml extra). It’s going to replenish your electrolytes, hydrate you, and give you an energy boost with B vitamins. You should start feeling better in about 30-45 minutes! Also great for food poisoning or stomach virus.

*Full spectrum of B Vitamins & Calcium/Magnesium + 500ml of extra fluid

The ReCharger ($155)

– Get reenergized, detoxify the liver, and fight off stress.

This combo will help you feel energized, improve mood, and cleanse your system.

*Full spectrum of B Vitamins & Calcium/Magnesium & High-dosed 2000mg of Glutathione

The Revival ($60- 500ml or $80- 1L)

– The go-to drip for instant hydration

The Saline bag (No added nutrients) -Dehydration can cause a variety of health problems when it’s left untreated. The most vital element your body needs for optimal functionality is hydration. All our drips begin with the “bag”. The fluids provide instant hydration and have been the go-to treatment for dehydration in the medical industry for decades.

*Add on another: Quickie 500ml ($20) or Quencher 1L ($25)

The Zinc ($40) - add-on

Zinc is a wonderful metal with numerous health advantages! Zinc helps with essential everyday functions such as hormone production, immunity, digestion, growth and cell repair. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, as well as improving mental function!

Glutathione Push ( $80) - 60sec push

What is Glutathione and what does it do?
Glutathione is the most powerful natural antioxidant in our human cells. It is extremely important in the elimination of free radicals and detoxification. It assists in maintaining cellular health and plays a large role in the functioning of the body’s immune system. It assists with DNA repair and improves brain and liver function. In addition, it helps with the detoxification process that neutralizes drugs, chemicals, radiation, metabolic wastes and carcinogens. If that weren’t enough, it also increases energy, stamina, and immunity. So as you can see, Glutathione is a workhorse in our body’s repair systems.


NAD+ Therapy

Hydration IV Lounge is extremely excited to team up with Koniver Wellness to offer this life-changing treatment.

Brain Refuel™

NAD+ IV infusions that take 6-8 hours to administer are now the past! The forward-looking, innovative Brain Refuel™ treatment is a transformative IV protocol re-engineered by Craig Koniver, MD that only takes 1-2 hours.
Intravenous NAD+ is rapidly becoming known as a cutting-edge medical treatment to combat a variety of conditions, including but not limited to depression, anxiety, PTSD, TBI’s, neurological diseases, and addiction.
Ready to do more?
Regular NAD IV drips can help your brain cells stay healthy for longer.


NAD (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) a Vitamin B3 derivative has been successfully utilized for many years in intravenous protocols to help people with addiction. Dr. Koniver discovered that the combination of the NAD with his FastVitaminIV® also greatly helps people with depression, anxiety, PTSD, TBI’s neurological diseases and executive functioning.
Dr. Koniver speculates that the intravenous combination of NAD+, Niacinamide, Tryptophan, and Glutamine leads to the phenomenal changes that occur with the Brain Refuel™ Protocols.
These changes have been nothing less than transformational for so many people now.
Through years of clinical testing of various protocols, Dr. Koniver has established several protocols that allow for patients with a variety of health and neurological conditions to be treated. Many people making use of the Brain Refuel™ program are busy executives looking for an energetic boost. Most people describe the effect as “calm clarity”.
*The treatment requires that patients agree to complete a loading dose, 5 treatments in the first 10 days.
*Each treatment is 550mg of NAD followed by a FastvitaminIV push (19 vitamins, minerals, and amino acids; $150 value) with the entire process taking usually 1-3 hours.

Migraine Therapy Package ($130)

Do you suffer from Migraines and haven’t found an effective way to help them?

IV therapy can provide respite from migraines in several ways.

Our Migraine Therapy provides hydration, electrolytes, Toradol (anti-inflammatory), and Zofran (nausea) that are delivered directly into your bloodstream. This means faster and more effective relief than taking oral medications.
*Or Phenergan (must have a ride)

Hangover Therapy Package ($115)

Had a night of overindulgence or just needing EXTRA oomph, we have what you need.

You’ll get 1.5L of fluids along with Zofran for your nausea. With the extra fluids plus Zofran (nausea) getting delivered directly into your bloodstream, this means faster and more effective relief than taking oral medications.

  • Vitamin D3 Strengthens your bones and muscles.

    Normally your body gets vitamin D3 when your skin is exposed to the sun. But we all know what risks come from excessive exposure to direct sunlight.

    This Vitamin D3 injection gives you the right amount of vitamin D3 to strengthen your body, while preventing osteoporosis, and reducing the risk of coronary disease. Maintain the health of your bones and teeth with Vitamin D3 shots.

    Vitamin D3 also plays an important role by regulating cell growth and cell-to-cell communication, which may help to prevent cancer and other chronic diseases.

    L-Lysine is an important building block for protein, and L-lysine is a form your body can utilize to support normal hormone production and overall health.

    This amino acid plays a vital role in immune system support, collagen production, muscle health support, and the transport of fat cells to be burned for energy. L-lysine also produces carnitine, which is an important substance found in almost every cell in your body.

    Benefits from consistent use of L-Lysine:

    .Supports immune health

    Improve mood

    Increase collagen production

    Support healthy blood pressure

    Promote strong bones

    Support blood sugar levels

    L-lysine is important for the support of several systems in the body and is essential because it must be obtained from other sources. L-lysine helps support hormone production and enzyme regulation and following a recommended dose of L-lysine can help you achieve optimal immune, heart, and cognitive health.

  • Glutathione -Getting glutathione into your body strengthens your cells, improves your body’s detoxification process, and speeds up metabolism.

    Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from disease, fights free radicals and can even help reduce inflammatory problems. But one of the most amazing benefits of glutathione is that it can brighten your skin tone after taking it consistently. Why? Because it helps reduce the production of melanin, the pigment that gives skin its color.

    Getting glutathione injections can improve your skin’s quality immensely, giving it back its natural glow and a brighter look. It can also help you reduce signs of aging, such as wrinkles and dry spots.

    Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) – is a powerful antioxidant with many benefits.

    Alpha Lipoic Acid can help fight free radicals, combat oxidative stress, and reduce inflammation.

    • ALA is sometimes recommended to clients with diabetes because it may help the body more effectively use insulin to reduce blood sugar. ALA injections have also shown promise in reducing symptoms of nerve damage (neuropathy) caused by diabetes.

    Other benefits include:

    • Slowing the aging process by protecting cells

    • Fighting disease by supporting the immune system

    • Restoring essential vitamin levels

    • Encouraging healthy nerve function

    • Supporting heart health

    ALA injections are a cost-effective and efficient form of supplementation, since all the nutrients are delivered to the bloodstream for maximum absorption.

  • Replenishing your vitamin levels can help improve cardiovascular health, energy levels, stress levels, weight-loss and much more.

    . The Spark (B12)

    . The Energizer (B Complex)

    . The Lipotropic (Weight-loss)

    . Vitamin D3

    . L-Lysine

    . Glutathione (Antiaging)

    . Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)

    . Folic Acid

  • Replace your energy with the right vitamins, minerals, and amino acids- naturally.

    Incorporating an energy booster shot as a supplement to a healthy diet helps you stay motivated to tackle tasks without having to take in caffeine, sugar, and other stimulants to be productive.

    The Spark (B12) Live on Natural Energy & The Energizer (B Complex) Stop feeling sluggish

    Remember that your body can produce its own energy if you give it the nutrients it needs. Consistent use of these energy shots and injections speeds up your metabolism, so you can do more with your time.

    Vitamin B12 energy booster shots are a safe and reliable way to give your body sustainable energy.

    Folic Acid

    Folic acid is used to treat or prevent certain anemias caused by poor diet, pregnancy, alcoholism, liver disease, certain stomach/intestinal problems, kidney dialysis, or other conditions. Folic Acid helps to relieve symptoms such as unusual tiredness and diarrhea that can occur with these types of anemias.

  • Lipotropic Injections are affordable and effective.

    Burn fat in problem areas and shape your body to your liking. Our lipotropic injections are quick and easy alternatives to trim away fat in areas where your workouts can’t. *M.I.C. + Vitamin B12

    How do Lipotropic Injections work?

    Our injections have the compounds necessary for maintaining a healthy liver, and for burning the exported fat for additional energy. Weight loss injections speed up the breakdown of fat using your body’s metabolism.

    It really maximizes how your body uses its current metabolic process by focusing on burning fat for energy. Lipotropic injections target specific areas you want to slim down. This is a proven and effective method to sculpting your body and maintaining an ideal shape.