Laser Hair Removal In manhattan ks

What is an 810 Diode? 

Often referred to as the gold standard in hair removal, the Diode laser 810nm wavelength is highly reliable, has high papilla absorption, and can address a wide range of skin types, including skin types V and VI. Laser energy is selectively absorbed by melanin (brown) in the hair follicle and converted to heat, injuring the hair follicle during its growth phase to help reduction. Works best on dark black/brown hair follicles on all skin types, will not work on blonde/red/grey hairs.

How does the Spectrum 810 Diode from other laser treatments? 

The 810 Diode on the Spectrum laser has built-in contact cooling to protect the surface of the skin, making the treatment a comfortable, pain-free experience for patients.

All areas come in a 6-treatment package at 30% off, with a lifetime discount of 30% if needing more than 6 treatments.

What to expect?

Hair grows in cycles, making it necessary to receive a series of treatments. This varies from person to person. Each treatment is spaced between 4-6 weeks apart. Treatments are super fast, at 10-15 minutes (depending on size of area). Perfect for your lunch break!


An 810nm diode laser targets the hair follicle. The laser energy converts into intense heat which damages or destroys the hair follicle at the root, leading to long-lasting hair removal. Our Spectrum 810nm diode laser handheld device’s integrated sapphire cooling tip reduces irritation and helps patients remain comfortable during the procedure.

  • The hair follicle absorbs the laser energy from the 810nm diode laser, which is then converted into heat. This heat damages the hair follicle. While most hair is permanently removed, some new growth may occur over time due to normal hormone changes. Maintenance treatments are recommended to address this possibility.

  • Hair in the anagen or active phase of growth sees the best results with 810nm diode laser hair removal. Hair is darker and has the most melanin during this phase, so it absorbs more heat, causing more stem cells in the follicle to be damaged.

  • With the 810nm diode laser, you can treat all 6 Fitzpatrick skin types and provide lasting hair removal. While some regrowth of lighter, finer hair may occur, most hair is permanently removed.

We’re here to help. We offer free consultations and payment plans.