Wellness - Health in manhattan ks

Got 60 seconds? Unlike traditional multivitamin infusions that run over a 30-45 minute period, the FastVitamin IV by Koniver Wellness is administered in about 1 minute. ⁣⁣FastVitamin IV provides the “push” effect of boosted mood, increased energy and better performance. What else can you do in 60 seconds or less to get this effect?

  • Quick and easy

  • Boosts energy levels and mood

  • Increases metabolism

  • Prevents muscle breakdown

  • Increases mental focus

  • Better sleep


FASTVITAMINIV + Glutathione Push $200

Get a quick 2-minute Vitamin and Glutathione IV Push to give you 19 vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, while detoxing your liver and giving you amazing energy, great skin, and anti-aging properties! This combo is big favorite. Our Multivitamin “on steroids”!

*Add a bag of fluids to either of these for a $10 add-on!