heavy metal detox in manhatan ks

Chelation Therapy

Free Your Body From Heavy Metals.

Modern life fills our bodies with all kinds of dangerous heavy metals and minerals like mercury, copper, iron, lead, arsenic, aluminum, and calcium that can negatively affect your health in the long term.

Clean your body from heavy metals in your bloodstream.

How Can Chelation Therapy Help You Have A Better Life?

How Can Chelation Therapy Help You Have A Better Life?

This therapy uses a chelating agent (EDTA) to bond with heavy metals scattered all over your body, eliminating dangerous elements very easily and quickly.

Once your body is free from these toxins, you can enjoy a better flow of blood due to the reduction of fatty deposits in your arteries, giving you the chance to engage in more energy demanding activities. It also strengthens your cardiovascular system to prevent chronic diseases in the future.

To get the most out of Chelation Therapy we recommend you mix it with cardio-focused exercises, a well-balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Immediate Benefits

Chelation Therapy can work as an antioxidant, freeing your blood from any free radicals that may cause cancer. This is especially beneficial considering that heavy metal toxicity may cause certain forms of cancer. It also helps fight against chronic fatigue and has been known to have many anti-aging benefits as well. Even if you don’t have heavy metal toxicity, Chelation Therapy can improve circulation and blood flow, releasing a plethora of benefits such as improved mood, more energy and focus.

What Are The Benefits Of Chelation Therapy?

Chelation Therapy is a process in which EDTA, or ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid, is administered through an IV to bind (or collect) toxins in the bloodstream and remove them naturally from your body.

What Is Chelation Therapy?

Chelation Therapy targets heavy metals such as lead and mercury that may be transmitted through food and could be poisoning your body. It can also remove cholesterol and fats clogging up your arteries.

How Can Your Body Get Rid Of These Toxins?

Chelation Therapy is the most effective way to rid your body of toxins and improve your health. By having chelators enter your body intravenously, you are essentially speeding up the process and getting your body to feel better almost immediately. This can ultimately save you time and save your health before any permanent damage takes place. Chelation Therapy is also a delicate procedure that requires professional workers with the utmost care. When you’re getting Chelation Therapy, you can rest assured you’re being treated by someone who knows what they’re doing and is targeting the parts of your body that need to be improved.

How Do Heavy Metals Reach Your Body?

If you’ve ever eaten fish from a restaurant, eaten foods that aren’t organic, been exposed to lead of some kind, or ever had unfiltered tap water, it’s very likely that you have some kind of heavy metal toxicity in your system. These food sources are usually likely to have been exposed to toxic heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, lead, and arsenic. When consumed, they can slowly poison the body and cause a host of health issues, including various cancers.

What Are The Symptoms Of Heavy Metal Toxicity In Your Body?

Some of the symptoms of heavy metal toxicity may include fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, depression, anxiety, or even muscle and joint pain. You may also feel nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, heart problems, nervous problems, and anemia. It is possible you have heavy metal toxicity in small doses and may not even realize it.

How Exactly Does EDTA Work?

Yes, EDTA is a safe, non-toxic substance that has been FDA approved for the treatment of lead and mercury poisoning for over 50 years. You can walk into any clinic in the US with heavy metal toxicity and be administered EDTA. One thing to remember is that just because you haven’t heard about it, doesn’t mean you should discount it. In fact, Chelation Therapy may be one of the most effective, least expensive, and safest treatments for heart disease ever developed.

Is EDTA Safe For Your Body?

EDTA works by latching itself onto heavy metals to carry them out of your system through the bladder. It can also bind itself to the calcium in fatty deposits inside your arteries. Just like with the heavy metals, it will carry out these toxins through your waste (urine). Think of EDTA like a roto-rooter for your arteries.

Once I Take Chelation Therapy, Are There Any Side Effects?

When Chelation Therapy is administered properly at the right dosage, there are virtually no side effects. However, some side effects have been noted as headache, nausea, low blood calcium, and allergic reactions, among others. Like with any important health procedure, it is important to consult your physician before trying Chelation Therapy so you know if it’s right for you. Also before engaging in Chelation Therapy, let Hydration IV Lounge know of any allergies you may have that could cause a reaction.

EDTA acts as an antioxidant by removing heavy metals in your bloodstream, keeping your cells healthy.

Reduce risk of heart problems caused by high levels of calcium in your arteries’ walls.

Maintain a healthy and clean cardiovascular system that works faster and smoother, thanks to a better flow of blood through your body.

Chelation Therapy is a new, unique way of detoxing your body. It has been mentioned by many popular health blogs and an increasing number of news reports as being able to reduce blood pressure, prevent diabetes, and improve brain function, among other health benefits. EDTA, the amino acid used in Chelation Therapy, has also been known to prevent senility, dissolve kidney stones, and help your body in many different ways.

If you’re interested in learning more about Chelation Therapy, we compiled a list of some frequently asked questions to give you a better idea about what exactly it is, how it works, and how it can ultimately improve your health.

What Toxins Does Chelation Therapy Target?

Where Can I Get Chelation Therapy?

Hydration IV Lounge now offers Chelation Therapy in a friendly, supportive environment with trained professional staff that knows what they’re doing and treat you like a person, not a patient. Whether you decide to go to Hydration IV Lounge you’ll find a high level of service and professionalism that you won’t find anywhere else.

We have a trained staff of medical professionals and industry veterans who can provide you with premium care, while giving your body what it needs. We also provide other kinds of IV drips that can help you get in better shape, be more productive at work, fight the signs of aging, protect yourself against common illnesses, or just improve your overall health.

Hydration IV Lounge’s Medical Director, Bradley K. Harrison, MD, CCT, has taken the American College for the Advancement of Medicine’s (ACAM) exclusive and nationally recognized Advanced Chelation Providers course and has been designated as a Certified Chelation Therapist (CCT). ACAM’s Certified Chelation Therapist (CCT) designation is the gold standard for Chelation Therapy Certification. As the recognized leader in heavy metal detoxification/Chelation Therapy education, ACAM works diligently to ensure our curriculum is robust, relevant, and of the highest caliber.