Wellness - health in manhattan ks



Hydration IV Lounge is extremely excited to team up with Koniver Wellness to offer this life-changing treatment.


NAD+ IV infusions that take 6-8 hours to administer are now the past! The forward-looking, innovative Brain Refuel™ treatment is a transformative IV protocol re-engineered by Craig Koniver, MD that only takes 1-2 hours. Intravenous NAD+ is rapidly becoming known as a cutting-edge medical treatment to combat a variety of conditions, including but not limited to depression, anxiety, PTSD, TBI’s, neurological diseases, and addiction.

Ready to do more?
Regular NAD IV drips can help your brain cells stay healthy for longer.


NAD (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) a Vitamin B3 derivative has been successfully utilized for many years in intravenous protocols to help people with addiction. Dr. Koniver discovered that the combination of the NAD with his FastVitaminIV® also greatly helps people with depression, anxiety, PTSD, TBI’s neurological diseases and executive functioning.
Dr. Koniver speculates that the intravenous combination of NAD+, Niacinamide, Tryptophan, and Glutamine leads to the phenomenal changes that occur with the Brain Refuel™ Protocols.
These changes have been nothing less than transformational for so many people now.
Through years of clinical testing of various protocols, Dr. Koniver has established several protocols that allow for patients with a variety of health and neurological conditions to be treated. Many people making use of the Brain Refuel™ program are busy executives looking for an energetic boost. Most people describe the effect as “calm clarity”.
*The treatment requires that patients agree to complete a loading dose, 5 treatments in the first 10 days.
*Each treatment is 550mg of NAD followed by a FastvitaminIV push (19 vitamins, minerals, and amino acids; $150 value) with the entire process taking usually 1-3 hours.


Do you suffer from Migraines and haven’t found an effective way to help them?

IV therapy can provide respite from migraines in several ways. Our Migraine Therapy provides hydration, electrolytes, Toradol (anti-inflammatory), and Zofran (nausea) that are delivered directly into your bloodstream. This means faster and more effective relief than taking oral medications.
*Or Phenergan (must have a ride)


Had a night of overindulgence or just needing EXTRA oomph, we have what you need. You’ll get 1.5L of fluids along with Zofran for your nausea. With the extra fluids plus Zofran (nausea) getting delivered directly into your bloodstream, this means faster and more effective relief than taking oral medications.

  • *Ask about our Care Credit payment plans