Welcome To Hydration IV LOUNGE & Med SPA

Why Hydration IV Lounge?

“In the USA 75% of adults suffer chronic dehydration, drinking only 2.5 cups a day on average (Medical Daily, n.d.).”  Whether you’re an athlete, CEO, or stay at home mom, it is extremely hard to keep up with your hydration. Not only is it hard (and important) to stay hydrated, but it also depends on the quality and the amount absorbed efficiently.

“60 percent of our bodies is composed of water, 75 percent in our muscles, 85 percent in our brains, it’s like oil to a machine,” explained Dr. Roberta Lee (Medical Daily, n.d.).” The importance of hydration is often forgotten as many people forget to drink water as often as they should. When you become dehydrated, your body loses fluids making it harder to operate at its full potential.

What is Intravenous Nutritional Therapy or Hydration IV Lounge?

Intravenous (IV) nutritional therapy is a method of delivering vitamins, minerals, and other vital nutrients to the body directly into the bloodstream. A small intravenous catheter is temporarily placed into a vein, and the nutrients can be administered slowly over a period that is dependent upon the nutrients that are used. For example, some nutrients can be administered over a 5-to-15-minute period; however, most intravenous infusions last approximately 30 to 45 minutes. In effect, IV Nutritional Therapy “foods” the cells with nutrients and can increase and optimize cellular health. IV therapy is the fastest way to deliver vital fluids, electrolytes, medications, and vitamins to the body. IV therapy restores optimum hydration and supports the immune system. IV fluid is absorbed directly into the bloodstream with 100% efficiency compared with approximately 30-40% or less for oral intake.

IV therapy is particularly relevant since many vitamins and mineral supplements are not well absorbed by the body. For some people, barriers exist in the gastrointestinal tract that prevent adequate absorption. But with IV therapy, we can safely deliver large doses of nutrients safely into a vein that would otherwise not be tolerated if administered orally. This is what we mean by “fooding” the cells with nutrients. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and certain other nutrients can have an incredibly potent drug-like effect when given directly into a vein, but without the side effects of many prescription medications. All the nutrients we use are natural and safe to be administered intravenously. IV nutritional therapy may be needed only a few times or needed periodically, 1-2 times, to once a month.  The benefits and specific protocol are dependent on the individual client and the issues they are needing help with.

What are the benefits of Intravenous Nutritional Therapy?

IV nutritional therapy can provide enormous health benefits depending on the issue(s) being handled, the number of remedies and the overall health of the patient being helped. In many respects, IV nutritional therapy is a preventive aging measure since it improves the nutritional content inside of the cells.

Some of the specific benefits that patients may experience include:

  • Increased energy

  • An overall sense of wellbeing

  • Improved sports performance

  • Improved healing and recovery from sports “wear and tear” or even surgical procedures

  • Enhanced immune support

  • Stress relief

  • Mental clarity

  • Decreased anxiety & depression

IV therapy is so powerful that many patients report many of these benefits within hours of receiving the treatment.

All our vitamin ingredients are sourced from a 503B FDA-registered pharmacy, so sterile nutrients are of top quality. By using vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acid fusions, delivered intravenously, to promote higher cellular absorption, IV therapy is your answer to improve performance and recovery, rehydrate, or simply restore depleted vitamins.


  • IV therapy or nutrient IV therapy is effective because it bypasses the gastrointestinal tract. This not only delivers noticeable results faster but also ensures more of the nutrients get to the cells that need them.

  • No major side effects are usually seen; however, people do experience some cooling of the arm and a mineral taste in the mouth. Do not worry, as this is all normal.

  • If you’re like most people, you probably don’t consume your daily dose of vitamins and minerals, let alone experience their valuable benefits. Nutrient IV Therapy is a safe and effective way to receive natural vitamins, minerals, and amino acids direct to the bloodstream. The 45-minute session enhances your energy, improves your overall mood, and helps prevent future health conditions caused by stress, malnutrition, and dehydration.

  • Absolutely! Many IV infusions can be used as a preventative measure. IV hydration therapy can help clients prepare for upcoming events, travel, and seasonal changes by:

    • Boosting the immune system during cold and flu season

    • preventing headaches and migraines

    • supporting healthy breathing when pollen levels are high

    • boosting energy and hydrating before travel to avoid jet lag

    • supplying muscles with the nutrients necessary to recover quickly after exercise

    • boosting cognitive function before a big exam or presentation

    • improve skin appearance

    • help improve mood

  • Nutrient IVs are like IV’s you would find at your local hospital. They all consist of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, which are found in the body naturally. Adding these nutrients gives the body more of what your organs need to function properly.

  • None of our IV’s contain medicine or pharmaceuticals. If you are healthy, theoretically it is safe for daily use.

    Realistically, most people do not put such high demands on their bodies where they would need daily nutrient IV Therapy. Our most frequent dosage is a bi-weekly program. But you should tailor your IV Therapy to your lifestyle. Around 4-6 weeks seems to work great for most people.

  • Depending on your nutritional and hydration status you may see dramatic effects after the first IV. People who get IV’s regularly will feel less dramatic effects as their body starts to obtain optimal hydration and nutritional balance.

  • If you retain fluids, have kidney problems, or suffer from certain health conditions, you should not engage in nutrient IV Therapy.

    We always recommend that you check with your primary care physician if you’re unsure. However, anyone with a healthy history can safely obtain its benefits.

  • NAD is a coenzyme found in every human cell. It increases the production of ATP (which is the cell’s primary energy source), and repairs DNA. NAD stimulates cell regeneration.

    This coenzyme decreases in availability as we age. HOW CAN NAD HELP MY BRAIN?

    NAD clears brain fog and boosts cognitive function by acting as a neurotransmitter between brain cells. This is extremely helpful for those with ADD or ADHD.

    NAD also reduces the risk of neurodegenerative disease such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimers.

  • NAD can help with chronic pain and chronic illnesses by activating antioxidants, reducing inflammation. It has been found to be transformative in chronic problems such as Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

  • NAD increases serotonin levels, helping stabilize mood. NAD can be used to decrease the symptoms of Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and Anxiety.


    NAD increases blood flow, allowing for healthier skin, nails, and hair.

  • NAD helps the body produce more energy for metabolism, which can aid in weight-loss. The energy-boosting aspect of NAD can also make exercising more productive.

  • Our loading dose of NAD is 5 treatments in 10 days ($550 each treatment, total of $2,750). BONUS: FastVitamin IV with each treatment (total value of $750).

    Following your loading dose, a maintenance plan will be individually recommended.

  • • Neurologic illness- Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s

    • Mood disorders- Schizophrenia, Depression, Anxiety

    • Infections: Viral infections, bacterial infections, Fungal infections, sepsis

    • Chronic inflammation and chronic fatigue

    • Cancer

    Ask about our IVC protocol and if it’s a right fit for you.

    Vitamin C as a therapeutic treatment offers many potential benefits for patients with complex medical illnesses.

    For neurodegenerative diseases and psychiatric disorders, evidence suggests that vitamin C has a number of benefits for the neurologic structures of the brain. Vitamin C promotes neuronal maturation and differentiation, myelin formation, synthesis of catecholamine, modulation of neurotransmission and antioxidant protection.

    There is plentiful animal evidence to show that deletion of the vitamin C transport in the brain can lead to widespread cerebral hemorrhage and death, so the brain essentially requires vitamin C for basic functioning. It is suggested that vitamin C use in the course of neurologic diseases and display potential therapeutic roles especially on neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s disease, multiple sclerosis, ALS, psychiatric disorders including mood disorders, and schizophrenia.

    Vitamin C as an antioxidant directly scavenges reactive oxygen species and nitrogen species that are produced as a byproduct in normal cellular metabolism. Vitamin C inactivates super oxide radicals a major byproduct of mitochondrial metabolism. Vitamin C also helps recycle other antioxidants such as vitamin E. Vitamin C can help lessen the potential oxidative damage induced by vitamin E metabolism; therefore vitamin C is considered very neuroprotective.


    1. Journal of Nutrients. 2017 July; 9(7):659

    2. Date published by the Riordan Clinic in February 2014.

    3. Journal of Nutrients. 2017 April; 9(4):339.